Monday, April 27, 2015

Pietistic and Puritanical Influences in Evangelical churches today

           Puritanism and Pietism have each contributed, in their own ways, to the shape of Christendom in our modern day, especially within the evangelical church. To understand these influences it is essential to first examine both Puritanism and Pietism in its early stages.
           One of the main goals of the early puritans was to purge from the church anything that might be considered a corruption. Many were unhappy with Roman Catholic influences in the Protestant churches and desired to experience further reform.[1] "Puritans such as Thomas Cartwright (1535–1603), Dudley Fenner (c. 1558–87) and Walter Travers (c. 1548–1643) had, by the 1580s, given Reformed theology in England a strong emphasis on purity of biblical worship and polity, as part of continued reformation."[2]
            Pietism, on the other hand, "was a response to the dogmatism of the theologians and the rationalism of the philosophers, both of which it contrasted with the living faith that is at the heart of Christianity."[3] The Pietists were more concerned with a conversion experience or being "born again" as well as a life of devotion.[4] Personal religious experiences were extremely important.
            The impact on modern evangelicalism can be seen in two ways. One way we see this is with the emphasis by numerous Christians on a personal relationship with Jesus and personal experiences. These groups are also likely to be involved with small groups, another result of the Pietist movement.[5] The puritan impact can be seen in those who emphasize doctrinal purity and the plainness of worship (i.e. no robes, statues, or other ornamentation). Of course, both influences are seen in a wide variety of evangelical churches today, but we can often detect either a Pietistic or Puritanical leaning depending on which issues are emphasized.


[1] Sinclair B. Ferguson and J.I. Packer, New Dictionary of Theology (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2000), 550.
[2] Ibid.
[3] Gonzalez, Justo L. (2010-07-25). Story of Christianity: Volume 2: The Reformation to the Present Day (The Story of Christianity) (Kindle Locations 3701-3702). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition.
[4] Dr. Bray. CH504, Lesson 37.
[5] Gonzalez, Justo L. (2010-07-25). Story of Christianity: Volume 2: The Reformation to the Present Day (The Story of Christianity) (Kindle Locations 3747-3753). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition.