Friday, September 2, 2016

Book Review: Divorce in the Bible

Divorce in the Bible by Michael S. Sayen is a 65 page booklet on a very important subject. If the statistics are accurate, we are told that the rates of divorce are almost identical in the secular world as they are in Christendom. So, I was excited to get this booklet and see what the author had to say and if maybe he had any new insights.
               First let me say that the author's ideas are intriguing. I'm not sure that I agree with his conclusions, but he certainly gave me a lot to think about. I always find it enjoyable to try and see things from a new perspective and this book certainly did that for me.
               The problem I had with this booklet was the way it was written. It's only 65 pages long, so I should have finished it in a very short time, but I just couldn't get through it. I would pick it up and read a paragraph or two and feel exhausted. The style is just hard to get into. It also suffers from some grammatical errors. I really feel like this booklet could be much better if it had an editor go through it.
               Ultimately, I simply cannot recommend this book until it gets rewritten. Again I'm not complaining about the fact that (I think) I disagree with the author, but rather my complaint is with the writing style and the grammatical errors.

You can buy a copy here.


This was a complimentary copy provided by the publisher through the Book Crash program.