Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Some Helpful Resources

This is some information that will be helpful when I post my next video in the series on “Bible Software and Me”.

In Part four of how I use Bible software to study and prepare sermons I will be moving into background research and commentary research. Below is a list of resources that I use and have found helpful. You may have some of your own favorites.

The first step is to look at background material and only after you have read through that material should you move on to commentary work.

I will be explaining exactly how I proceed in the next video.

Background Resources

Background Commentaries

IVP Background Commentary on the New Testament

IVP Background Commentary on the Old Testament

New Manners and Customs of the Bible

New Testament Background Commentary: A New Dictionary of words, phrases, and situations in Bible order

Background Dictionaries

Dictionary of the Latter New Testament

Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels

Dictionary of New Testament Background

Dictionary of Paul and his Letters

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

Zondervan Pictorial Bible Encyclopedia

I separate my commentaries into three (3) types.
The first types are those that are, what I call language commentaries. The second types are what I call Expository Commentaries and the third types I call application / devotional commentaries.


Language Commentaries

The United Bible Societies' New Testament Handbook Series

The United Bible Societies' Old Testament Handbook Series

Word Biblical Commentary

Wuest’s Word Studies in the Greek New Testament

Word Pictures in the New Testament

Vincent's Word Studies in the New Testament

A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament

A Textual Guide to the Greek New Testament

Expository Commentaries

The Expositor's Bible Commentary

The Expositor’s Bible

The College Press NIV Commentary Series: Old Testament

The College Press NIV Commentary Series: New Testament

MacArthur’s NT Commentaries Collection

The New American Commentary Series

Lenski's Commentary on the New Testament

Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament

The Pulpit Commentary

Baker’s New Testament Commentary

Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

Application / Devotional Commentaries

The Preacher's Commentary

NIV Application Commentary: New Testament

Holman New Testament Commentary

The Bible Speaks Today: New Testament

Tyndale Commentaries

N.T. Wright’s “For Everyone” series

I don’t usually read every commentary in every type. I usually will read three from each type for a total of 9.