Recently there was a Facebook discussion on the subject which got a little “heated” at times or at least it seemed that way to me as I read the posts. So in light of these and other reasons books about hell and what happens when you die have been coming out.
Erasing hell is an easy to read book on a tough subject and while the authors did a great job of making it easy to read they also didn’t go too light on the background discussions and the word studies. This book does a great job of mixing biblical exegesis with a style of writing that’s easy to read.
I feel that this book is a balanced and honest attempt to get to what the bible has to say on the subject. I felt the authors’ pain as they discussed their love for souls and how they didn’t want hell to be real but they also did a great job of putting those emotions to the side and continued asking the touch questions.
I really think this is a great book for those who are interested in the subject and want a good place to begin researching. I don’t think this book is the end of the discussion but definitely a fair and honest place to start.
The book has a good amount of footnotes and a bibliography so you can track down the primary sources and continue to delve deeper into the subject of hell, if you choose to do that.