While I enjoyed reading this book and was challenged by some of the spiritual insights that the author points out, there were some things that I did not like. One example is in chapter 19 (The Ghost In You) the author tells the story of a haunting that he was involved with. Supposedly his grandfather was haunting the house his parents lived in. He tells the story and how they had an exorcist come and cleanse the home. He then relates this to the idea of forgiving those that have passed on and "Letting them move on toward eternal peace, and allowing ourselves to progress toward love and healing".[1] While I think that we should forgive those who have sinned against us I do not believe that the ghosts of our friends and family members can haunt us and I also do not believe that the spirits who have passed on know what is happening on earth.
Overall the book was well written, had some significant spiritual insights to share, and was fairly enjoyable to read. The book will at least give most people a desire to read or reread Dante's Divine Comedy and that, in my opinion, is a good enough reason to recommend it.
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[1] Dreher, Rod. How Dante Can Save Your Life: The Life-Changing
Wisdom of History's Greatest Poem (p. 214). Regan Arts.. Kindle Edition.