Monday, March 11, 2013

A Preacher's Book Shelf

Sometimes it's interesting to see what other preachers have on their book shelves. I love to browse other ministers’ shelves looking to see what they have that I might borrow or buy. It also gives me suggestions on what my library might be lacking.
If I notice that a preacher has a lot of books on history that might remind me that I don't have any or maybe very few. I might then think about expanding my library and buy some good books on history. I also ask them what history books (or any other type) they really like and think are worth buying. I know I've had many books on my shelf that I found useful but also many that I found to be simply worthless.

So I thought I might post a link to my Logos Bible Software Book Shelf. Take a look around maybe you might get some ideas about what kind of books are lacking in your library or maybe you'll see something you want to buy or borrow from a friend (Logos Books can't be borrowed).

If you don’t have Logos Bible Software but would like to look into getting a library you can go here.