Wednesday, January 27, 2021

 The Long Road Home by James Chaisson

Entry 3:

Twenty years of marriage sailed by like a child’s dream in the night. During those twenty years, Samuel and Rose celebrated life together. They had their ups and downs like we all do. But with each passing year their love grew stronger and stronger and that love found expression in two boys, Nathan and Joshua. The boys were 7 years apart with Nathan being the older and Joshua being the younger.

Rose stayed home in order to take care of her boys while Samuel was able to find a good-paying job working for a wonderful company that he eventually purchased. As the years continued to march on, Samuel and Rose were able to lay aside a fair amount of money that they planned to give to their boys as an inheritance once they passed on from this world.

After thirty years of marriage, the unthinkable happened. Samuel and Rose’s magical life was interrupted. Rose had gotten sick. At first, no one knew that anything was wrong. Rose was simply getting tired in the middle of the day and before long she was taking naps. After some time had passed without her getting better, Samuel began to be concerned for his wife’s health and he convinced her to see the doctor.

“What seems to be the problem?” asked Dr. Moriane. “Samuel is worried. I’m just a little tired taking care of the house and my boys, it really wears on me. That’s all” said Rose. Dr. Moriane said, “We’ll run some tests and go from there.” A week later the doctor called Rose and Samuel back to his office to read the results. Rose was sick, she was really sick. Rose was a strong, yet quiet woman who had a deep faith in God. She and Samuel were devout Christians who not only went to worship on Sunday mornings but also lived out their faith day-to-day.

Some might wonder how a loving God could allow this to happen to one so faithful, but Rose never did. Day after day, in spite of her sickness, she thanked God for the good in her life.

After a short uphill battle, Rose quietly stole away early one morning with her husband and two boys by her side. Her fight, over and her victory gained, but those she left behind had their own battles to face.

To Be Continued...